تعرف على مواعيد حظر التجول في رمضان ..." أذان المغرب» كلمة السر "
قالت الإعلامية : لميس الحديدي إن هناك ثلاثة سيناريوهات سوف تتخذها الحكومة لحظر التجول في شهر رمضان المبارك ، وستحدد الحكومة هذا القرار قبل نهاية هذا الأسبوع وقبل بداية الشهر الكريم.
وأضافت لميس الحديدي إلى برنامج "القاهرة الآن" الذي تبثه قناة "الحدث": "من الممكن زيادة ساعات الحظر وتبدأ من الساعة 7 مساءً أو تبدأ الساعة 10 مساءً ومن 12 مساءً".
وعلق المستشار نادر سعد المتحدث باسم مجلس الوزراء على نهاية الفترة الثانية من الحظر الجزئي الذي سينتهي في 23 أبريل / نيسان ومستقبل الإجراءات الاحترازية طوال شهر رمضان.
وقال: "من المحتم أن يستمر حظر التجول الجزئي طوال شهر رمضان المبارك في ضوء بيانات الأعداد المتزايدة من الإصابات اليومية ، مشيرًا إلى أن اتخاذ خطوات للحد من الإجراءات الاحترازية خلال شهر رمضان يفسد جميع الإجراءات الوقائية السابقة ، مبينا أن اللجنة الوطنية لأزمة كورونا ستنعقد هذا الأسبوع لتحديد ساعات الحظر خلال شهر رمضان.
وأضاف المستشار نادر سعد في حديث هاتفي مع برنامج "القاهرة الآن" الذي يبث على قناة "الحدث" ، قائلاً: نتمنى أن يكون شهر رمضان فرصة للحد من الإصابات ، حيث يغادر عدد قليل من الأشخاص الشوارع في الصباح ووجود الحظر ليلاً ، مع العلم أنه في نهاية الشهر الفضيل ، ستكرر النظر في الإجراءات وفقًا للتطورات. "
تفضيلات القراء
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ما هي مواعيد حظر التجول في رمضان ..." أذان المغرب» كلمة السر "
مجدي عبد الغني: لقد حققت إنجازات لم أتحدث عنها .. سأخوض انتخابات اتحاد كرة القدم. فيديو ضربات وجلطات في كل مكان .. ظهور أعراض جديدة مرعبة على مرضى الأهلي كورونا يكشف موقفه النهائي من أزمة عبد الله السعيد بعد قرار الفيفا بعد الإعلان عن رؤية هلال الشهر. هاشتاج رمضان يتفوق كريم على تويتر ، عملاق الأدوية السويسري يفاجئ مفاجأة تاريخ إدخال لقاح فيروس كورونا ، أول فريق ينسحب من دوري أبطال إفريقيا بسبب كورونا مجدي عبد الغني: الصيام يربك اللاعبين ويجب أن يكون الفطور .. شاهد الاخبار الرياضية .. موعد استئناف دوري ابطال افريقيا والكونفدرالية .. راتب شهر خيالي لكينو في الاهلي ASTM استمتع بمحاولاتي الفاشلة .. كنز عمرو دياب يثير الجدل بنظرة جريئة .. شاهد أخبار الفن ... النجوم في الحجر الصحي .. اعتدي على فيفي عبده بعد عرض الحلقة الثانية من برنامجها
مجدي عبد الغني: لقد حققت إنجازات لم أتحدث عنها .. سأخوض انتخابات اتحاد كرة القدم. فيديو ضربات وجلطات في كل مكان .. ظهور أعراض جديدة مرعبة على مرضى الأهلي كورونا يكشف موقفه النهائي من أزمة عبد الله السعيد بعد قرار الفيفا بعد الإعلان عن رؤية هلال الشهر. هاشتاج رمضان يتفوق كريم على تويتر ، عملاق الأدوية السويسري يفاجئ مفاجأة تاريخ إدخال لقاح فيروس كورونا ، أول فريق ينسحب من دوري أبطال إفريقيا بسبب كورونا مجدي عبد الغني: الصيام يربك اللاعبين ويجب أن يكون الفطور .. شاهد الاخبار الرياضية .. موعد استئناف دوري ابطال افريقيا والكونفدرالية .. راتب شهر خيالي لكينو في الاهلي ASTM استمتع بمحاولاتي الفاشلة .. كنز عمرو دياب يثير الجدل بنظرة جريئة .. شاهد أخبار الفن ... النجوم في الحجر الصحي .. اعتدي على فيفي عبده بعد عرض الحلقة الثانية من برنامجها
اقرأ أيضا بشرى خير .. محافظ الجيزة: رفع الحظر عن قرية الوفد في غضون ساعات
Magdy Abdel-Ghani: I have achieved accomplishments that I have not talked about .. I will run for the Football Association elections. Video of strokes and strokes everywhere .. The emergence of terrifying new symptoms on Al-Ahly Corona patients reveals its final position on the Abdullah Al-Saeed crisis following the FIFA decision after the announcement of the sighting of the month’s crescent. The hashtag of Ramadan_Karim tops Twitter, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant explodes the surprise of the date of the introduction of the Corona Virus vaccine, the first team to withdraw from the African Champions League due to Corona Magdy Abdel-Ghani: Fasting overwhelms players and must be breakfast .. Watch the sports news .. the date of the resumption of the African Champions League and the Confederation .. salary A fictional month for Keno at Al-Ahly ASTM Enjoy my failed attempts .. Amr Diab's treasure sparks controversy with a bold look .. Watch art news ... Stars in quarantine ... Attack on Fifi Abdo after showing the second episode of her program
Magdy Abdel-Ghani: I have achieved accomplishments that I have not talked about .. I will run for the Football Association elections. Video of strokes and strokes everywhere .. The emergence of terrifying new symptoms on Al-Ahly Corona patients reveals its final position on the Abdullah Al-Saeed crisis following the FIFA decision after the announcement of the sighting of the month’s crescent. The hashtag of Ramadan_Karim tops Twitter, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant explodes the surprise of the date of the introduction of the Corona Virus vaccine, the first team to withdraw from the African Champions League due to Corona Magdy Abdel-Ghani: Fasting overwhelms players and must be breakfast .. Watch the sports news .. the date of the resumption of the African Champions League and the Confederation .. salary A fictional month for Keno at Al-Ahly ASTM Enjoy my failed attempts .. Amr Diab's treasure sparks controversy with a bold look .. Watch art news ... Stars in quarantine ... Attack on Fifi Abdo after showing the second episode of her program
The media said to Mays Al-Hadidi that there are 3 scenarios for curfews in the holy month of Ramadan, and the government will determine this decision before the end of this week and before the start of the holy month.
Read also Bushra Khair .. Governor of Giza: Lifting the ban on the delegation village within hours
Lamis Al-Hadidi added to her "Cairo Now" program broadcast on "Al-Hadath" channel: "It is possible that the hours of the ban can be increased and start from 7 pm or start at 10 pm and from 12 pm."
Counselor Nader Saad, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, commented on the end of the second period of the partial ban that will end on April 23 and the future of precautionary measures throughout the month of Ramadan.
He said: "It is inevitable that the partial curfew will continue throughout the blessed month of Ramadan in light of the data of increasing numbers of daily injuries, noting that taking steps to reduce precautionary measures during the month of Ramadan spoils all previous precautionary measures, noting that the National Committee of the Corona Crisis will be held this week To determine the ban hours during Ramadan.
The consultant, Nader Saad, added in a telephone interview with the "Cairo Now" program broadcast on the "Al-Hadath" channel, saying: We hope that the month of Ramadan will be an opportunity to reduce injuries, as few people leave the streets in the morning and the presence of the ban at night, noting that at the end of the holy month, you will repeat Consider procedures according to developments. "
Readers' preferences
New ban decision within hours .. Ahmed Moussa reveals important information .. video
The first team to withdraw from the African Champions League due to Coruna
Sources reveal details of the government's actions to confront Corona in Ramadan
The official announcement tomorrow .. Details of the government meeting to determine the times of the ban in Ramadan
The start of the meeting of the Higher Committee for Corona Crisis Management in Egypt
Saudi Arabia recorded an earthquake in Mecca
Bushra: the measles vaccine reduces the complications of the Coronavirus
By order of the President of the Republic .. to increase pensions next July 5 Information
The Cabinet: Announcing the new ban dates tomorrow
Dar Al Iftaa: After tomorrow, Friday, the first day of Ramadan
"Morocco's Azan" Password: What are the dates of the curfew in Ramadan?
Live broadcast .. Dar Al Iftaa announces the vision of the crescent of Ramadan
“We will cleanse it with a street and a hot street” for the 27th day in a row: sterilization and disinfection of 5 mosques and 33 streets in Gold Island and Coldair
Cafe at home .. How to make a watermelon smoothie
Enjoy my failed attempts .. Amr Diab's treasure sparks controversy with a bold look .. Watch
Magdy Abdel-Ghani: I have achieved accomplishments that I have not talked about .. I will run for the Football Association elections. Video of strokes and strokes everywhere .. The emergence of terrifying new symptoms on Al-Ahly Corona patients reveals its final position on the Abdullah Al-Saeed crisis following the FIFA decision after the announcement of the sighting of the month’s crescent. The hashtag of Ramadan_Karim tops Twitter, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant explodes the surprise of the date of the introduction of the Corona Virus vaccine, the first team to withdraw from the African Champions League due to Corona Magdy Abdel-Ghani: Fasting overwhelms players and must be breakfast .. Watch the sports news .. the date of the resumption of the African Champions League and the Confederation .. salary A fictional month for Keno at Al-Ahly ASTM Enjoy my failed attempts .. Amr Diab's treasure sparks controversy with a bold look .. Watch art news ... Stars in quarantine ... Attack on Fifi Abdo after showing the second episode of her program
The media said to Mays Al-Hadidi that there are 3 scenarios for curfews in the holy month of Ramadan, and the government will determine this decision before the end of this week and before the start of the holy month.
Read also Bushra Khair .. Governor of Giza: Lifting the ban on the delegation village within hours
Lamis Al-Hadidi added to her "Cairo Now" program broadcast on "Al-Hadath" channel: "It is possible that the hours of the ban can be increased and start from 7 pm or start at 10 pm and from 12 pm."
Counselor Nader Saad, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, commented on the end of the second period of the partial ban that will end on April 23 and the future of precautionary measures throughout the month of Ramadan.
He said: "It is inevitable that the partial curfew will continue throughout the blessed month of Ramadan in light of the data of increasing numbers of daily injuries, noting that taking steps to reduce precautionary measures during the month of Ramadan spoils all previous precautionary measures, noting that the National Committee of the Corona Crisis will be held this week To determine the ban hours during Ramadan.
The consultant, Nader Saad, added in a telephone interview with the "Cairo Now" program broadcast on the "Al-Hadath" channel, saying: We hope that the month of Ramadan will be an opportunity to reduce injuries, as few people leave the streets in the morning and the presence of the ban at night, noting that at the end of the holy month, you will repeat Consider procedures according to developments. "
Readers' preferences
New ban decision within hours .. Ahmed Moussa reveals important information .. video
The first team to withdraw from the African Champions League due to Coruna
Sources reveal details of the government's actions to confront Corona in Ramadan
The official announcement tomorrow .. Details of the government meeting to determine the times of the ban in Ramadan
The start of the meeting of the Higher Committee for Corona Crisis Management in Egypt
Saudi Arabia recorded an earthquake in Mecca
Bushra: the measles vaccine reduces the complications of the Coronavirus
By order of the President of the Republic .. to increase pensions next July 5 Information
The Cabinet: Announcing the new ban dates tomorrow
Dar Al Iftaa: After tomorrow, Friday, the first day of Ramadan
"Morocco's Azan" Password: What are the dates of the curfew in Ramadan?
Live broadcast .. Dar Al Iftaa announces the vision of the crescent of Ramadan
“We will cleanse it with a street and a hot street” for the 27th day in a row: sterilization and disinfection of 5 mosques and 33 streets in Gold Island and Coldair
Cafe at home .. How to make a watermelon smoothie
Enjoy my failed attempts .. Amr Diab's treasure sparks controversy with a bold look .. Watch
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