كل أسئلة الاختياري المتوقعة لمنهج للثانوية العامة مع الإجابات النموذجية

القائمة الرئيسية


آخر الأخبار

كل أسئلة الاختياري المتوقعة لمنهج للثانوية العامة مع الإجابات النموذجية

السؤال الثالث في الامتحان
The Strongest review of high school .... All questions expected in English

يتكون هذا السؤال من 16 جملة 8 لاختيار المفردات و 8 لاختيار قواعد اللغة الانجليزية الواردة فى كتاب الطالب والورك بوك ومخصص لهذا السؤال 8 درجات لكل جملة نصف درجة ومطلوب منك في هذا السؤال تحديد إجابة واحدة في كل جملة بعد تفكير و إمعان

3-Choose the correct answer .
1- Surgeons ( do – make - give - work ) operations on people m-hospitals.
2- My brother has a very difficult decision to ( make - play - give  - do ) next week.
3- My sister, who works for a charitable organization, believes her work
( does - makes – gives - scores ) a difference to people's lives.
4- Everyone (gives - plays – does - makes ) mistakes when they're learning something new.
5- It's been more than 20 years since surgeons ( did - made - gave - had ) the first heart
transplant operation in Britain
6- There's a factory in our town which ( does – scores - makes - gives ) parts for cars and buses.
7- 1 need to learn English, ( but – after - because - so ) I want to work for an international company.
8- ( If - But – Although - While ) my brother works very hard, he doesn't earn much money.
9- I've been trying to contact her ( if – although - but - while ) she isn't answering her phone.
10 - ( Although - While - It - But ) you need to remember a date, write it in your diary.
11-The phone rang ( because - while - if - but ) I was having a shower.
12- In the past, people ( thought - were thinking - are thinking - think ) the earth was flat.
13- By the time my father was 18, he ( has been - had been - is -will be ) at work for two years.
14- What ( were you - have you been - you have been - you were ) doing when I called?            ,
15- I didn't sec my friend. When I arrived at her house, she ( gone - had gone - goes - went ) out .
16- My sister's really happy. She ( wins - has just won - just won ) the school maths prize.
17-1 ( have never visited - never visiting - have ever visited -never visitsEurope.
18- I find it very difficult to ( do - get - make - come ) decisions quickly.
19- Scientists are still ( doing – researching - retiring -trying ) into making cars safer.               
20- ( Because – While - If - Though ) I was out shopping, I saw three of my friends from school.
21- My uncle does not enjoy ( drive - to drive – driven -driving ) in big cities.
22- All my sisters are married, but my brother is still ( one -single - alone - free ).
23- It is not kind to ( make - do - have - laugh ) fun of people because of the way they speak.
24- You have to study for a long time ( while - but - although - if ) you want to train to be a doctor.
25- Have you ever ( meet - met - meeting - meets ) a famous person?
26- While I ( am walking - was walking - had walked -walk ) home, I saw some of my friends.
27- The people of Lilliput ( put - fell - tied - made ) Gulliver to the ground that he couldn't escape.
28- When the boys arrived on the island, they ( gave - did -put - made ) a fire.?
29- Later, the boys ( chose - did - scored - decided ) Ralph as their leader.
30- Some boys ( built - did - gave - had ) shelters while others looked for food.
31- They tried to think of ways of ( flying - getting –escaping - disappearing ) from the island.
32- Jack ( made - set - brought - designed ) fire to the island to stop Ralph from escaping.
33- Football and hockey are ( team – group - individual - pack ) sports.
34- I want to become ( an - a - the - any ) doctor when I finish university.
35- I'm hoping to study French ( literature  - books – novel -writers ) at university.
36- He is quite a/an ( pessimistic - optimistic - cruel ) person. He always thinks the worst is going
37- Next Saturday, I'm going ( for visit - visit - to visit -visiting ) my aunt.
38- People who ( find – borrow - capture - steal ) from shops should be punished.
39-The north of Egyptis on ( a - an  - the - its Mediterranean Sea.
40- There's a history programme on TV tonight. I think you ( are enjoying - enjoy - will enjoy - are going to enjoy ) it.
41- Azza is the ( intelligent - more intelligent - less intelligent - most intelligent ) student in our class.
42- I think it's absolutely ( surprising - tiring – amazing - boring ) that people climb mountains without oxygen.
43- This morning, I received an invitation ( for - to - from -of ) a meeting at my college.
44- I'm going to borrow a dictionary ( from - to – of - at ) one of my friends.
45- Her grandparents had to work hard ( of – for - from -to ) years before they could afford their own car.
46- The shirt I am wearing is made ( in – to - of - from ) cotton.
47- Before he retired, my uncle worked ( like - as - such as -for example ) a hospital doctor.
48- Ahmed is at the station ( who – which - where - when ) he's meeting his grandfather.
49- The first person ( which - that - he  - what ) spoke English to me was my uncle.
50- My cousin,( who - who's - which - whose ) father is my mother's brother, is three years younger than me.
51- When he was five years old, my brother ( use - used -used to - is used ) watch all the children's TV programs.
52- Where did you use to play when you were a/an ( toddler - adult - parent - leader )?
53- Some countries have ( sold - bought - traded -business ) with each other for thousands of years.
54- International corporations ( buy - employ – distribute -take ) workers in many different countries.
55- My cousin hopes to take ( place - care - off - part ) in the next Olympic Games.
56- International sport can ( afford - admire - benefit -distribute ) individuals and their countries.
57- My father has just bought a camera( by internet - by website - online - on computer ).
58- I'd ( rather - prefer - want - like ) be a doctor than a dentist.
59- I have a very important decision to ( make - have - come -do ) next week.
60- In the evenings, I like ( surfing - travelling - going -running ) the internet.
61- Scientists are doing ( study - research – work - experiment ) into new kinds of energy.
62- ( Single – Individual - Alone - Professional ) people live with their families before they are married.
63- Application forms often ask people about their ( married – waiting - marital - famous ) status.
64- He works hard, and he ( gets on - goes back - gets up -goes on ) working when he doesn't feel well.
65- Surgeons ( do - make – take - bring ) operations to help people get better.
66- Professor Magdi Yacoub is a famous heart ( change -move - transport - transplant ) surgeon.
67- Mother Teresa really ( making - made - did - does ) a difference in people's lives.
68-It's OK to ( do - have - make - has ) mistakes when we are learning something for the first time.
69- My father is a ( diplomat - politician – surgeon - pilot ) He works in politics.
70-Can you give me an/a ( example - imagination - explanation - invitation ) for being late for class today?
71- ( Although - If – Because - However ) I studied as hard as I could, I only scored 70% on my exam.
72- It's ( famous - ridiculous - available - traditional ) to think that horses can fly!
73- It isn't very polite to make ( laugh – joke - funny - fun ) of people.
74- If you are policeman, you have to wear a special ( shirt –dress - uniform - trousers ).
75- In most shops, you can pay by ( cash - money - debit -coin ) cheque or credit card.
76- Squash is ( a team - a single - an individual - a personal ) sport.
77- To be successful,the members of a sports team must ( cooperate - leave – pass - prove ) with each other.
78-They have just ( done – made - found - brought ) a good decision.
79-He's very ( sensible - happy – pessimistic - intelligent ) He always thinks the worst is going to happen.
80- Shakespeare and Dickens are two of the most famous names in English ( music - writers - literature - world )
81- My brother's ( lifelong – life - long - wrong ) ambition is to climb Mount Everest.
82- While I was doing the shopping, I ( was meeting - met - am meeting - have met ) one of my teachers.
83- I could sleep anywhere ( while - although – because - however ) I was extremely tired.
84- As soon as I got to the station, I realized that I ( had missed – missed - have missed miss ) my train.
85- ( An - A – The - No article ) author of Lord of the Flies is William Golding.
86- Europe is not as large ( as - than - to - so ) Asia.
87- Next Monday, I ( meet - met -will meet - am meeting ) him for lunch. We've already booked the restaurant.             
88- Go and see that film. I'm sure you ( will enjoy - enjoy - are going to enjoy - are enjoying ) it.
89- We went to Italy by sea. Our ( flight - drive – crew - voyage ) took two days.
90- It's quite safe to swim here. The water's not very ( deep - high – tall - long ).
91-The ( head – bottom - summit - height ) of that mountain is always covered in snow.
92- My father's company ( plays - works - keeps - employs ) people from many different countries.
93- I'm afraid we can't ( buy - pay - afford – earn ) a holiday this year.
94- There are many ( valuable – cheap - high - useless ) pictures in the museum. Some are 1000 years old.
95- I'd love to take ( place – care - part - off ) in the Olympic Games, but I'll never be good enough.
96- The ( height - highlight - benefit - worst ) of the year for my family was my sister's wedding.
97- Have you ever(see-saw-seen -seeing)a dangerous spider?
98- I was so tired that 1 fell asleep ( while - because - if - but ) I was doing my homework.
99- That was one of ( best - the best - better - good ) books I've ever read.
100- T expect it ( will be - is being - is - is going to be ) sunny and warm tomorrow.
101- A supermarket is a large shop ( what - which - where ) you can buy many different things.                     
102- In the past, many people ( use – uses - using - used ) to pay things in cash.
103-The first person ( which - that - what - when ) spoke to this morning was my sister.
104- Where ( does - do - did - doing ) your brother use to live?
105-We couldn't live without food and water, ( can we - can't we - could we - couldn't we )?
106- It's very important that we cat healthy food, ( do we -isn't it - don't we - is it )?
107- Some pesticides are more dangerous than others ( aren't they - isn't it - don't they )?
108- We should wash vegetables before we cat them, ( shall we - should we - shouldn't we )?
109- Food grown with chemicals costs less than organic food ( don't they - doesn't it - do they - did they )?
110- Some children don't like vegetables, ( don't they - does he - doesn't he - do they )?
111-Make ( up – sure - do - like ) you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
112- Lisa ( who - who's – whose - that ) in my class at school, is very good at English.
113- Rice is the main ( food - crop - fruit - ingredient ) of tonight's dish.
114- Ahmed had a very busy morning . By the time he stopped for lunch, he ( had made - made - has made- had been making ) 17 phone calls.
115. That's the person ( whose - who's - which - who ) mobile phone 1 borrowed when I lost mine.
116- How long ( had you been waiting - have you been waiting - have you waited - was you waiting ) before your train arrived?
117- We all went ( aboard - abroad - ashore - ahead ) when our ship came to port.
118- Children sometimes hurt ( them - themselves - himself -ourselves ) when they are playing.
119- They're building hundreds of new houses on the ( outskirts -centres - blocks ) of the city.
120- He lives in a flat which ( watches - overlooks -looks ) the market. It's always very noisy.
121- I love the ( silent - slice - silencer - silence ) of the desert.
122- She is very ( ambitious - ambitiously - ambition -ambitiousness ) and wants to be a newsreader on TV.
123- It's a traditional song, but its message is very modern. Its words are still ( means - meaningful - meaning -meaningless ).
124- He's quite a good player, but his ( inclusion - includes -included ) in the national team is a surprise.
125- William Shakespeare is more famous( for - by - from - of ) his plays than his poems.
126- Nobody knows the real reason for the film's popularity ( with - to – for - of ) viewers.
127- Huda loves English, but she's not very good ( for - at –by - with ) maths.
128- When did you find ( from - out – of - about ) that you had won the prize?
129- That tittle car belongs ( to - for – with - by ). my uncle.
130-1 play lots of sports, but I'm not very keen ( to - on - for -at ) watching sport on TV.
131- When I finish university, I'm going to apply ( to - with - at - for ) a job abroad.
132- In 1918, millions of people all over the world died ( of -for - at - with ) Spanish flu.
133- You weren't at school yesterday, so how did you find out ( with - about – from - of ) the homework?
134- Azza is very interested ( in - to - of - for ) medicine.
135- We ( regret - disappointed - apologise - dispirited ) to inform passengers that Flight 659 will be an hour late.
136- My ( want - announcement - ambition - beauty ) is to become a children's doctor.
137- He was naughty as a child , but now his ( behave -behaviour - behaving - behaved ) is much better.
138- While waiting for the train to leave, the passengers ( said - told – chatted - conversation ) to each other.
139-He writes great poems. He's my favourite ( poet -musician - pilot - singer ).
140- If the train ( didn't break - hadn't broken - wasn't broken - isn't broken ) down,I wouldn't have been late.
141- The stones they used to build Stonehenge ( were - was  -is - are ) brought from Wales.
142- If you had put the water m the freezer, it ( turned –turns - would turn - would have turned ) to ice.
143- It is believed that the Temple of Edfu was ( start - starts – starting - started ) in the year 237 BC.
144- The ( paramedics - engineers - patients - directors ) took the injured man into the emergency room.
145- Most school children in Britain ( need - have to - ought - don't need to ) wear a school uniform.
146- You ( don't have to - ought to - mustn't - had ) spend too much money. You'll want some for your holiday.
147-You ( mustn't - don't need to - should - shouldn't ) take the book back to the library yet. You can keep it for another week.
148- You( don't have - can't  - need to - have to ) pass your exams to go to university.
149- I really ( don't need to - have to - don't need to - had to ) phone Mazen. I promised I'd phone him
150- You ( don't have to - mustn't - have to - must ) take this train.There's another one in ten minutes.
151- In the second half, we wore ( off - down - on - out ) the other team and won the match 3-2.
152- These shoes are going to wear ( off - on - down - out ) soon. I'll have to buy some more.
153- It was hard work and, as the day ( wore on - wore out -wore off - wore in ) I became more tired.
154- If you take this medicine now, it won't ( wear out - wear on - wear down - wear off  ) until tomorrow.
155- More than 150 million copies of Michael Crichton's books. ( have sold - have been sold –  sold - selling ).
156- John Lange was one of the names which ( uses – used -using - was used ) by Michael Crichton.
157- Crichton ( often included - was often included - including - including ) scientific subjects in his stories.
158- The Andromeda Strain ( wrote - was written - is writing - has written ) in 1969.
159- It is a frightening story about ordinary people who ( were caught – caught - were catching - catching ) diseases from space.
160- The company my father works for has a ( group - staff -crew - population ) of 250 people.
161- That man should stop ( disagreeing - saying -interfering - discussing ). It has nothing to do with him.
162- Crichton ( produced – acted - wrote - built )some fantastic books.
163- We would all be healthier if cars were ( stopped -banned - driven - refused ) from city C.
164-We could ( save - reduce - help - make ) global warming if we used more energy from the sun.
165- If they want to book a flight to London, they ( must -could – need - mustn't ) to do it soon. Flights to London are very busy.
166- It's difficult to get into a good university.You ( need -should - can - must ) work really hard.
167- The information you are looking for can ( find - be found - finds - found ) on the internet.
168- At school, we are ( being taught - teaching - been teaching ) how to revise for our exams.
169- I wonder if I ( borrows - borrow - could borrow - would borrow ) you camera this afternoon.
170- People who ( borrow - lend - bring - steal ) money should go to prison.
171- Most-people are ( honest - nice - intelligent - dishonest ) If they find something, they give it back to the owner.
172- John doesn't get paid for playing football. He's ( a professional - a player - an amateur - a trainer ).
173- I'm really enjoying this dessert. Can you tell me what the ( goods - ingredients - crops foods - storage ) are?
174- If you need more ( sugar – fat - protein -carbohydrate ) eat more meat, fish and eggs.
175- In the story of Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is absolutely ( determined – sure - serious - primitive ) to catch the white whale.
176- When the boat sank, the ( staff – group - crew -employees ) were saved by a passing ship.
177-My sister and her husband live on the ( top – outskirts -side - outside ) of the town.
178-The people ( which – who - what - whose ) have just moved into the next flat are from Tanta.
179- Where ( were - did - had - was ) you going when I saw you in town yesterday?
180- The Nileis ( longest - long - the longest - longer ) river in the world.
181-Those arc the people ( who - whose - which - who's ) car has been stolen.
182- Ali has had to go to hospital as he hurt ( herself - him –his - himself ) while playing football,
183-We arrived late and by the time we sat down, the film ( had started - is starting - starts - was started )
184- In my opinion, it's warmer now ( as - so – than - that ) it was this morning.
185- My clothes were dirty as 1 ( had been repairing - had repaired - repaired ) the car all morning,
186- Most houses in countries where it rains a lot have ( straight - sloping - flat - long ) roofs.
187-If you want to keep fit, go running. It's a very good form of ( exercise - practice - food - work )
188- My friend's father is the ( politician - diplomat - man -editor ) of our local newspaper.
189- This CD was a ( cheap – bargain - credit - value for money ) .It cost less than two pounds.
190- Our cat has ( missed - come - gone missing  -abandoned ) We haven't seen him for a week.
191- We ( suggest - announce – refuse - regret ) to inform passengers travelling to Cairothat their train will be 200 minutes late.
192- There is no airport on the island,so boats ( sail - supply – give - carry ) food and other goods.
193- My ( ambition - hero - announcement - achievement ) is to be a journalist for an international news magazine.
194-As soon as I met him, f knew I ( had seen – saw - have seen - see ) him somewhere before.
195- I didn't realize it was late ( if - and – because - but ) I was concentrating so harden what I was doing.
196- I ( have cleaned – clean - have been cleaning - cleans ) my brother's car all morning.
197- Many cars ( made - are made - is made - make ) in Egypt.
198- If it was cold in the evening, you ( needed - would need - would have needed ) warm clothes.
199- I'm not very good ( in - at – with - on ) remembering people's names.
200- The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed ( from - to - by  -at ) an earthquake.
201- It( know - known - is known - has known ) that people have lived here for centuries.
202- A shop in our city was completely ( hurt - injured -destroyed - flooded ) by fire last night.
203- I can really ( recommend - build - admire - wish ) this book. I couldn't put it down.
204- I hope I ( pass - succeed - win - do well ) the maths test at school tomorrow.
205- Last year, we visited the ( place - view - area - site ) of an ancient settlement in the desert.
206- If you pour hot water onto ice, it ( runs - melts – floods - freezes ).
207- You can't enjoy your holiday if you don't have good ( hotel - room - accommodation - stay ).
208- My favourite holiday destination is a small fishing village on the ( sea - edge – ocean - coast ).
209- When I was a child , I remember reading a /an ( dangerous  – warning - advising - cautionary ) tale about a lazy student.
210-Banks are places ( which - where - that - when ) you can keep your money safe.
211- Before the invention of cars, people ( used - use - are used - have used ) to walk more.
212- She looked at ( she – herself - himself - yourself )in the mirror to see what the new dress was like.
213- So far today, I ( wrote - am writing - have been writing - have written ) e-mails to six of my friends to tell them the good news.
214- I've decided that I ( am going to apply - applying - am applying - apply ) for that job as soon as I can.
215- I have an idea; we ( have to - need - could - would ) all go in one car. That would save us money.
216- There arc always children near the school, so you ( can – must - mustn't - need ) drive very carefully.
217- Survivors of this morning's accident ( have been taken -take - have taken - took ) to the city's main hospital.
218- When I was eight, I ( saw - seen - was seeing - have seen ) a programme about a famous Egyptian doctor on television.
219- Look at this camera. I ( have bought - buy - bought - am buying ) from my sister yesterday.
220-He ( tell - have often told - often telling - has often told ) me to look on the internet.
221- I'm sure your sister will love the camera ( you are buying - you've bought - have you bought - are you buying ) her.
222- This year, 1 ( am going to go - was going - had gone -went ) swimming every day.
223- Everest is ( as high - the highest - higher than - highly ) Kilimanjaro.
224- Challenger Deep is ( deeper - deep - the deepest - deeper than ) part of all the oceans.
225- What's the main reason ( for - with - on - of ) the popularity of Rider Haggard's books.
226- He was so good ( for - of – on - at )writing exciting stories.
227- Have Rider Haggard's books always been popular ( by -with - of - on ) readers?
228-There's been an increase ( about – on - at - in ) sales in recent years.
229- I knew he was famous ( for - with - from - at ) King Solomon'e Mines, but didn't know Rider Haggard's other stories.
230- I'd never heard ( of – from - at - in ) him at all until last week.
231- They had four children, but one of them died ( about - for – of - with ) a childhood disease when .
232- I wouldn't go there alone if I ( had been - were – are -have been ) you.
233- If you leave ice in the sun, it ( turning – turned - turns -would turn ) into water very quickly.
234- If it hadn't been so hot, we ( will play - would play - are playing - would have played ) tennis.
235- I'll tell Ali you are looking for him if I ( see - saw - had seen - have seen ) him.
236- If you ( doesn't warn - hadn't warned - don't warn ) me, I wouldn't have seen the car coming
237- You ( won't- might not - couldn't ) be able to climb so quickly if you take oxygen with you.
238- We(don't have to-need to-have to-must)get up very early on school days.
239- I ( have to – must - don't have to - had to ) phone my friend this evening. I promised him I would.
240- In some countries, children ( mustn't - don't need to -have to - must ) wear school uniform.
241- You ( must - don't have to - mustn't - don't ) drive fast in the city centre. It's very dangerous.
242- We ( must - mustn't - have to - don't have to ) give our homework to the teacher until next week,
243- If you want to go to Jordan for a holiday, you ( need -mustn't – can - can't ) fly or go by boat.
244- We ( don't have - couldn't - need - mustn't ) to go to school tomorrow. It's a public holiday.
245- You ( can - must - don't have to - can't ) stay at home on a school day unless you're ill.
246- I ( need – must - mustn't - have ) revise for the English test. It's really important that I pass.
247- Here's an idea: we ( could - can - have to - need ) all turn down our air conditioning in the summer.
248- You ( don't have to - mustn't - can't ) use your mobile phone while you're driving. It's against  the law.
249- In Britain, you ( can - can't - mustn't - have ) take your driving test until you're 17 years old.
250- You ( needn't - can't - have to - has to ) wear anything special for the party, but you can if yo want.
251- My football team ( are getting - get – go - were gettingtwo new players for next year.

اسئلة دليل التقويم

3-Choose the correct answer .
1- Ahmed always ( does -gets -makes -comes ) favour to his poor neighbours.
2-( While -When -As -During )my stay in London, I met my old friend, Ramy.
3- Maha finds it very easy to ( do -get -make  -come ) decisions quickly.
4-( Because  -Although - Despite  - During )he was sick, he attended the conference.
5- He went abroad to ( give-do –make-take )his postgraduate studies.
6- Although she is over thirty, she is still ( single -alone -one -free )
7- Hazem enjoys . ( played-plays -playing -to play) tennis with his friends.
8-It is impolite to ( satire –make-mock-reason ) an ass of anyone.
9 -( In case of -But for-Unless -If )you want to keep fit, you have to practise sports.
10-The people of Lilliput ( put –fell-made-tied ) Gulliver to the ground so as not to escape.
l1.Have you ( lately -never -ever -already ). been to Cambridge University?
12.Egyptalways sends (donors–delegations- volunteers )to nearly all conferences abroad.
13.While Amal was writing an essay, Ahmed (was watching-watched -will watch) TV.
14.1f you have a (broadband-fax –telex-radio)connection,you can contact to the internet very quickly.
I5.We sometimes ( go-goes -are going -will go )to the Opera House.
16. Mona has had a bank(account-delivery-Insurance-robbery )since she was at the age of ten.
17.He is very ( anxious –eager-fond -keen )on their traditional music.
I8-The government spares no effort to  ( forget-fire-attract-exclude )foreign investors.
19.She can't send e-mails because there is a problem with her internet ( closure-connection -               transmission -disconnection )
20. We sometimes prefer tea ( on  -with  -to  -for ) coffee.
21. Professor Magdi Yacoub's aunt died (in case of-in spite of-because of ) a heart problem.
22. Kidney( transform -transport-transmit-transplant )is to take an organ (kidney from                          person, animal and put it into another.
23. The reason ( to -for -with -of ) his absence is unknown.
24. There has been a real  ( grow-to grow -growing -growth )in number of people living in Sinai.
25. He is affluent ( when -as -but -because ) he is miser.
26. It is easy to change foreign  (currency–language-investment -luggage )into Egyptian money.
27 ( During-When -While -As )the summer holiday, he helps his father with his work.
28. He would like to work for a ( charity-–charitable-cheering )organization to help the poor.
29 ( In case -Due to-In spite of-Although )his sickness, he -managed to win the gold medal.
30.Interestingly,many people prefer to use traditional banks(worse-other -rather-less)than online banking.
31-Dr. Magdi believes his work can ( make-bring-do -give ) a difference to people's lives.
32-(Airliner-Air raid-Air conditioning ) in a system that cools and dries the air in a building .
33-A/An ( architect–sergeant- surgeon )is a doctor who is trained to perform a medical operation .
34-( After -Having –Before-No sooner )got his degree, he worked as an engineer.
35-( Cash -Debt –Debit-Credit )is money we carry in our pockets.
36-No sooner ( did –have-will-had) he stepped on my foot than apologized to me.
37-A/An( disabled-adult –child-invalid )is a fully grown person.
38-The police put handcuffs on the two men as they (rob robbed-had robbed-will rob )our house.
39-A( musician -magician –electrician-politician)is a  person whose job is connected with politics.
40-Before they ( went -go -will go -are going )shopping, they had had their lunch.
41-Professor Magdi was part of team which did the first British (kidney-heart-liver-stomach )transplant.
42-Jonathan Swift's father was ( Irish-English -French -Russian )
43-Ali( beautified -specified -qualified -purified )as an engineer last year.
44- When I reached the platform, the train ( leaves -Leave –left-had left)
45-People use computers for many different( rocesses -surgical operations-actions -activities )
46-Look! he  ( studies -is studying-studied-was studying) math.
I5. Pasteur discovered ways of(saving-preventing-healing)diseases from passing from person to person.
47-He has been learning English  ( for -ago -since -just )six years.
48-He runs as fast ( as-just as-such as -like )a train.
49-It is ( great-brilliant-ridiculous-fantastic )to believe in ghosts.
50-She needs to learn English ( but-while-owing to -because)she wants to be a journalist.
51-( Astrologers-Diplomats -Archaeologists -Astronomers )do their best to prevail world peace.
52-He made an  interesting  ( voyage-journey  -flight -tour )by ship to England.
53-It's illegal to ( donate –search-steal -investigate )other's properties.
54-He works hard  ( because -so as not to-so that-so  as to )succeed.
55-Hoda doesn't agree( to -an -with -that )Rania to postpone her homework.
56-By the time she went to bed, she ( had fed-fed-will feed-is feeding ) her parents.
57-.A( bill-credit card -debit card-receipt )is a plastic card that can be used to take money               directly fonn your bank account.
58-After( had finished -finishing –finish-finishes )his homework, he watched TV.
59-People ( retire -retreat -resign -relax)  at the age of sixty.
60-She wasn't presented the new mobile until she(will pass-passes-passed-had passed )the final exams.
61-The ( pound-dollar –yan-lira ) is the American currency.
62-He'll welcome us as soon as we ( arrived-'11  arrive -arriving -have arrived )
63-They click the left (printer –mouse-keyboard-scanner )button twice to highlight a film 
64-He'd rather get up early, ( wouldn't -had -would -hadn't) he?
65-Mud bricks do not ( conduct -guide -control -govern )heat well.
66-Having have-has -had -had had ) a quick wash, he ironed his shirt.
67-'Farmer was( proved –fired-exhausted -teethed )yesterday as he had been working   hard all day.
68-We painted our room by ( ourselves-themselves –itself-yourselves )
69-Mahmoud is good  ( an -at –with-by) playing computer games.
70-All religions call for ( aggression –tolerance-violence-hostility )
71-If I ( have been -'m -was  -were )you, I'd accept their offer.
72-Doctors are ( modified -qualified -identified -defined )to practise medicine.
73-My school ( has started -started -is starting-starts )a new project about keeping fit  soon.
74-I've read a lot of Arabic writings, but I  don't know much about French (grammar-literatur-  prose )
75- He is so ( cruel-humane -kind  -tolerant )that he hanged a small cat.
76-( Optimistic –Tolerant-Wise -Pessimistic )people look at the dark side of life.
77- ( Pessimistic -unkind –Optimistic-Wicked ) people always look at the bright side of life .
78- Japan is  ( an -a -the -no article )group of islands in the Pacific Ocean.
79- The hunters  ( controlled-imprisoned –arrested-captured )the lion and took it to the zoo.
80- Adel became ( no article –an-the -a )English teacher in a secondary school.
81-The first thing they did was to  build a(fountain-shelter-dam)to protect them from the wind and rain.
82-Crete is an island in ( the -a  -no article -an )Mediterranean Sea.
83- The teacher ( split-cut-projected -changed )his students into groups before the work shop.
84- My son enjoys ( watch -watching -to watch-watched )action films.
85- Hunters ( put -set -make -do )a fire to frighten fierce animals at night.
86- That's the ( least-less-little -more )interesting story I've ever read.
87-English is ( more-least-the more -the most) interesting subject I  have ever studied.
88-Lord of the Flies"  was William Golding's ( first -second  -third -fourth )novel.
89-Mount Fuji is not( like -such -as -same ) dangerous  as  Annapurna.
90-Countries should ( fight -forge –violate-cooperate )for the sake of their people's welfare.
91-Gold is( best –most-more-less )expensive than copper.
92-A good leader is someone who is ( unjust -nervous –respected-pessimistic )
93-Ali thinks that science is ( easier -easy -easiest -the easiest )than  social studies.
94-All students should be ( weak-honest –senseless-impatient )to be reliable.
95-OUT school is ( beggar –biggest-big -bigger) than yours.
96-There's always snow on  the ( summit-roof -surface -ceiling)  of high mountains.
97-Luxor is( the farthest -far -farther -furthest) from Gizathan Tanta is.
98-Omar Samra, was  the  first Egyptian who(came near-got-reached-arrived )the  summit of Everest 99-A/An ( aged person –teenager-adult -toddler )is a  very young child.
100-Landing on the surface of the moon was (amazed-amazing–amazement-amaze)for astronauts.
101-( Life cycle -Life coach-Lifeless-Lifelong) learning is a must for all people.
102-Few ( mountaineers  -astronauts –gardeners-pilots )climb mountains for themselves.
103-Hazem is skilled at ( getting -making –reaching-doing )quizzes ..
104-More than 200 climbers ( donated'-missed-Lost-saved )their lives during climbing Everest.
105-1 wish all students would speak ( a-the-no article-an )English fluently.
106-The air at the, top of mountains is (thinner –heavie-rthicker)than the air at the bottom.
107-We always have ( a  -no article-the -an )lunch in a very splendid restaurant.
108-Alan  is person  who  asks  someone  questions  during  an interview(inventor- interprete -interviewer )
109-Egypt is the most important ( leader-leading-Leadership-led )country in  the Arab world.
110-The summit of Everest is nearly 9000 meters  ( under-beyond -behind -over )sea level.
111 -The( biggest –heaviest-oldest-newest )tree in the world is nearly  10.000 years old.
112-( A-The-- No article -An )computer has changed the way we work.
113-France is ( portion-a part-part )of the European union.
114-Mount Fugi is ( more-better -little -worse )beautiful than the Matterhorn.
115-Rules make it possible to ( know –modify-organise -recognise )things.
116-Football is the ( less  -many –much-most) popular game in Egypt.
117-If there are no rules, life will be ( modified –predictable-unpredictable -identified )
118-( No article-The -A -An )River Nile is the longest river in the world.
119-Jack's group tries to ( steal-gain –give-join ) Poggy's glasses.
120-The wind is getting stronger. There( is going to -will -shall -would )be a heavy rain.
121- it isn't allowed to talk about ( policy  -politics-politician -political )in public.
122-I'm sure you( will -may -would  -are going )pass the final exam successfully.
123-Unlike basketball. boxing is a/an ( group-individual -personal -team) sport.
124-Abu Traika ( gained -earned   -scored -won )a famous goal yesterday.
125-Pupils join the primary stage at the ( age-year –old-period )of six.
126-Magdi ( earned -gained –won-beat )Ashraf at tennis.
127-It is easy for us  to ( do –get-make -take) predictions about tomorrow's weather.
128-Ramadan,1973, was the month( when–which-that-where )our great army restored our dignity.
129-Gad restaurant( springs -chains –series-robes )are used by 80% of the population.
130-This is the brave man  ( where -which  -whose-who) saved the young lady from drowning.
131-Our cotton( tax -import –yield-income )has increased since we used modern technology.
132-Alex,(where-which-when-whose )is the second capital city, has many comfortable resorts.
133-Mr. Wong is the( preservationist - presenter-representative )for a big Chinese company.
137-Mr.Wong is at Cairo Airport(that-when-where)Mr. Latif the manager of Fruco, is meeting him.
138-I'm ( pleaser –pleasing-pleasurable -pleased )to meet you", said Mr. wong to Mr. Latif.
139-Egypt imports iron ( from-to -for -with )Italyand Turkey.
140-Mr Latif ( presented  -introduced -offered -produced)  Mr Karmi to Mr Wong.
141- The young girl ( whose –who-whom -that )eyes are blue, is American.
142-1 have an /a  ( conference –interview-appointment -draft )with the Prime minister today.
143-( Corporation –Cooperation-Coeducation -Coexistence ) is a large business organization.
144-Mr. Khaled is the (chief justice-chieftain –chef-chief) buyer for an English supermarket chains.
145-We shouldn't encourage trade ( to –for-with -in  )china to protect our products.
146-Miss Zizi,( a- that -whom -who -whose' )bookshop is next to our school, is kind hearted.
147-Mr. Karmi is our( sales -sails -seal -sealing )manager.
148-Mr Wong is the representative for a Chinese (import-imported–imports-importer)company.
149-Uncle Bmad has( fixed –limited-made-done  , ) an appointment to meet Dr Omar at home.
150-Our plane arrived ( with -at -in -for )Borg: Alarab airport on time yesterday.
151-Mr. Khaled '11  be with you ( in –at-by -for )a minute", said the receptionist.
152-Professor,would you mind (to tell- tell-telling )us about Maupassant life?,the presenter said.
153-He joined the ( university –orphanage-army-institute )and fought France in a European war.
154-Maupassant used to enjoy ( fished –fishing-to fish-fishy )
155-Nagi moved to Cairo( where-which -when -who ) he worked as a clerk.
156-My favourite hobby is ( played -play -playing -to play ) tennis every friday.
157-(Spiritual-Mental-Pair-Manual )work is an exercise in itself.
158-Magdi spends all his free time ( read –reads-to read -reading )English novels.
159-I ( have watched -have been watching –watched-watch )the Olympic Games all day.
160-Tamer looked so (jealous-shameful-ashamed-proud)when he received the bronze medal for Judo.
161- Have you ever ( done-had-taken-made )judo?
162-He hasn't done Karate ( Do I  have -so I do -neither I have-neither I did)
163-I wish Egyptwould take part ( on-in-at-for) the following football world cup championship.
164-(Amateur -Voluntary -Merchantable -Professional )players play football for money.
165-It is the money and training that drive the sport ( off –back-forward -away )
166-Squash is a very good exercise, so it helps me to keep ( fitness-fat-fit -unfit )
167-When I was young, I( used to-'m used to-'m used )live in a small flat, but now I live in a villa.
168-( Squash -Judo –Karate-Swimming )isn't an Olympic sport at the moment.
169-Ayman did not use to enjoy ( stayed-to stay-staying -stay )at home.
170-I like( be-bee -being  -been )a part of a team to do well.
171-She ( plays -'ve played -played -has been playing )basketball for about ten years.
172-Olympic Games have helped to(develop-concentrate-hinder) understanding between nations.
173-A chemical business may not be good ( for -at -of -on )the environment.
174-( Regional -Local -National -Global )means affecting or including the whole world".
175-Zaki used to drive a ten ( years -year -year's -years') old car.
176-Computers, ( are making -are made -which make-made) in Japan, are of high quality.
177-Mona can't(offer-bear-borne-afford)a new mobile phone because she has hardly any money.
178-He bought a large villa ( looking -looks -is looking -looked )over the main street.
179-Ramy practises ( regular –regulation-regularly-regularize )to keep fit.
180-Hockey is a( individual -personal –pair-team )game.
181-The film was so ( boring -interesting –exciting-inviting) that I went to bed.
182-We  should  be (proud–ashamed- shy ) of our  football  national  team  due  to  great achievements.
183-My father(works-has been working- worked )for his  company for twenty years  now
184-Earthquakes shake the (found-finder–foundations-finding )of buildings, weaken and break them.
185-I haven't played tennis ( Either -So -Nor -Neither )has Ahmed.
186-A/An ( engineer -volunteer –donor-amateur )is a person who does something for enjoyment.
187-Hesham( borrowed -lent –gave-exported )my dictionary to look a difficult word up.
188-Governments can provide sports(face powder-facilities–facelift) for sportsmen and sportswomen.
189-I look forward to ( meeting-meet -have met-met )you.
190-They decide to buy Alan( different-similar –opposite-identical  )diamond necklace as a replacement.
191-A corporation (invests–distributes-introduces-imports) goods to shops and companies in particular area.
192-.He needs to pay off all his( debits   -cards –debts-coins )before he leaves the country.
193-My friend Samy( which -who –whose-where )is a pilot, lives in Tanta.
194-A chemical business could create a lot of jobs for (odd-strange–foreign-local)people in the area.
195-My father has just bought a camera ( by internet-by website –online-on computer )
196-I'd ( rather  -prefer -want -like ) be a doctor than a dentist.
197-I have a very important decision to ( make-have-come-do )next week.
198-In the evenings, I like ( surfing-traveling -going -running ) the internet.
199-Scientists are doing ( study -research –work-experiment )into new kinds of energy.
200-( Single-Individual –Alone-Professional )people live with their families before they are married.
201-Application forms often ask people about their (married –waiting-marital-famous)  status.
202-He works very hard, and he(gets on-goes back-goes on )working  even when  he doesn't feel well.
203-Surgeons. ( do -make -take - bring ) operations to help people get better.
20- Professor Magdi Yacoub is a famous heart( change -move –transport-transplant )surgeon.
205-Mother Teresa really  ( making -made –did-does )a difference in people's lives.
206-It's OK to(do-take–have-make)mistakes when we are learning something for the first time.
207-My father is a ( diplomat –politician-surgeon-pilot )He works in politics.
208-Can you give me an (example–imagination-explanation)for being late to class today?
209-(Although'-If-Because-However ) I studied as hard as I could,I only scored 70% on my exam.
210-It's( famous-ridiculous -availab1e-traditional)  to think that horses can fly!
211-It isn't very polite to make( laugh -joke -funny -fun )of people.
212-If you are a policeman, you have to wear a special ( shirt-dress-uniform -trousers )
213-In most shops, you can pay by ( cash-money -debit -coin )cheque or credit card.
214-Squash is (team -a single-an individual -a personal ) sport.
215-To be successful, the members of a sports team must ( cooperate-leave –pass-prove )in each other.
216They have just ( done-made –found-brought )a good decision.
217-He's very (sensible-happy-pessimistic-intelligent )He always thinks the worst is going to happen.
218-Shakespeare and Dickens are two of the most famous names in English (music–books- writers-literature
219- My brother's ( lifelong-life –long-wrong )ambition is to climb Mount Everest.
220-While I was doing the shopping, I(met-have  met-am meeting )one of my teachers.
221-I could sleep anywhere ( while -although -because -however )I  was extremely tired.
222-As soon as I got to the station, I realized that I( had missed-missed-have missed-miss )my train.
223-( An -A–The-No article ) author of Lord o/the Flies is William Gelding.
224-Europe is not as large . ( an  -as -to -so )Asia.·
225-Next Monday,I(met-will meet -am meeting )my brother for lunch. We've already  booked the restaurant.
226-Go and see that film.I'm sure you(will enjoy-enjoy -are enjoying -are going to enjoy )it.
227-We went to Italyby sea. Our ( flight -drive -crew -voyage )took two days.
228-It's quite safe to swim here. The water's not very ( deep   -high-tall  -long )
229-The( head -bottom  -summit-height )of that mountain is always covered in snow.
230-My father's company (plays-works-keeps-employs ) people from many different countries.
231-I'm afraid we can't ( buy –pay-afford  -earn )a holiday this year.
233-There are many (valuable-cheap–rich-high)pictures in the museum. Some are 1.000 years old.
234-I'd love to take ( place-care-turn -part )in the Olympic Games, 1t I'll never be good enough.
235-The ( height-highlight-benefit-worst )of the year for my family was  my sister's wedding.
236- Have you ever ( see -saw –seen-seeing ) a dangerous spider?
237-I was so tired that I fell asleep ( while-because -if -but )I was  doing my homework.
238-That was one of( best-the best -better -good )books I've ever read.
239-I expect it ( will be-is being-is-is going to be )sunny and warm tomorrow.
240-A supermarket is a large shop ( who  -what-which -where )you can buy many different things.
241-In the past,many people (use-uses-using-used )to  pay for things in cash.
242-The first person ( which –that-what-when )I spoke to this morning was my sister.
243-Where ( does -do -did -doing )your brother use to live?
245-Shanghai is  a  modern (Japanese-Turkish-Chinese-French )city which has a  population of 20 million
246-The Olympic Games took ( in -over -off -place )in Athens, Greece, in 2004.
247-A  ( bell  -ball -pile  -bill ) is a  dance which is very formal.
248-We're going to ( do  -make -recycle -bring )a  quiz.
249-Al- Ahly will ( Win  -beat -gain   -earn )Enppi next week.
250-Hoda usually hurts ( oneself-itself –herself-yourself )when she is peeling the potatoes.
251-Water skiing is  a  sport which is  still ( spot -portion -port -part )of the Olympics.
252-Mohamed scored an  exciting goal, ( didn't -doesn't-did -won't ) he?
253-There are five ( rectangulars –circles-squares -triangles )in the 01ympic sign.
254-He won't go abroad for many reasons,  ( is –did-does -will )he?
255-It is said that ( pesticides –fertilizers-water -wheat ) can be poisonous for the soil.
256-Let's go the cinema,  ( shall  -will -do -did )we?
257-Some people are in favour of  genetically (identical -modify-modified -modification )crops.
258-(Herbage-Herbivore-Herbicides -Pesticides )is a chemical substance used to kill insects
259-My dog sometimes washes ( oneself-himself -itself -themselves )
260-( Desert  -Fertile-Organic -Deserted )land produces plenty of good crops.
261-This book does not belong to me. I'm sure it is ( your -you -yours -mine )
262-To ( increase -modify -reduce  -produce )pollution from traffic, we could ban cars from cities.
263-In the past, the Nile ( flooded -flood –floods-modified )and left fertile soil on the fields.
264-Genetic engineering can be used to stop tomatoes ( with –at-from -by )rotting quickly.
268-We should improve the quality of the soil by adding( inorganic-artificial-chemical-natural) organic fertilizers.
269- Moby Dick had already written two books ( called -calls -call -to call )Typee and Omoo.
270-Organic farms don't produce the same( quantities –qualifications-qualities-quantum )as modem farms.
271-The principal let  Ahmed ( leaves-Left-Leaving -Leave )the class because of being ill.
272-If food or crops ripen, they become ( ripes-rip -ribbon -ripe )
273-Mr. Ali resigned as a manager because he was bored ( with-by-from-about )the job he had been doing.
273- Many people in Somaliadie of(thunder-epidemic–starvation-flood)due to wars and drought.
274-He swore to take his ( revenue -review –view-revenge )on his political enemies.
275-Plants are reproduced from ( Pollen –petal-nectar-seeds )
276-He (play-had been playing-played-plays )tennis  for 10 years when his brother left for London
278-Our ( arm -armed -army  -armor ) forces proved to be the strongest ones.
279-It is possible to be (ambitious –ambition-ambiguous-ambivalent) and  determined without hurting  other people.
280-( Isolated -Separate -Individual -Insulated )houses keep out cold and heat.
281-How ( long -often -many -much )do you go to Marsa Matrouh? Once a year.
282-( Medical-Genetic -Organic -Agricultural )engineering may bring new diseases in the future.
283-It's said that modern farming makes ( less -more -little -least ) money than organic farming.
284-Many houses in Japan are made of wood because Japanhas a lot of ( deluges -floods -earthquakes -volcanoes )
285-Organic food is better for you, ( is-won It-isn't -wasn't )it?
286-Some houses are made from mud bricks to be suitable for (dry-cold–mild-hot )climates.
287-I think that the train never comes on time,  ( won't-didn't-doesn't -does ) it?
288-New York is famous for its ( fountains -towers –headquarters-skyscrapers )
289-They built their house by ( himself -themselves -ourselves  -them )
290-Buildings have( sloping -insulated –flat-isolated )roofs in places where there is a lot of rain or snow.
291-He had his field  ( watering –water- waterproof-watered )
292-Hassan Fathy is the world famous ( astrologer-astronomer-architect -archaeologist )
293-She'd better study hard, ( wouldn't-hadn't-didn't -doesn't )she?
294-All students should be (confident-confidential-confiding )about asking questions when they don't understand.
295-Ayman prefers the market ( above  -over -on  -to )the supermarket .
296-I succeeded in ( send -sent-to send -sending) that e-mail at six o'clock p.m.
297-Adel is interested in ( scientifically -science -scientific -scientist )fiction novels.
298-She ( succeeded -could -managed -got )to pass her driving test last week.
299-( Climate-Climatic –Weather-Climatology )changes affect the growth of plants.
300-He took his car to the garage where one of the mechanics was (succeeded-able to managed-could )start it.
301-Rainforests ( result-put-give-take ) in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
302-You ( won't -must  - can't-may ) borrow my bicycle tomorrow if you like.
303-When a volcano ( emits -rebels  -revolts -erupts )it gives out hot lava.
304-He ( might-must-can't-could )be  Egyptian. His parents are German.
305-The sea level will rise if the Arctic glaciers ( melt –vaporize-condense -freeze )
306- you ( need to-don't have to -mustn't -must )smoke here because there is a "No smoking area" sign.
307-He is( doing  -making -creating -forming) a project  on a peaceful atomic reactor.
308-You (must -mustn't-don't have to ) wash your hands before you eat so as  not to catch swine flu.
309-She interviewed a  ( remark  -remarkably-remarkable -remarked ) scientist last might.
310-When you are on holiday, you ( mustn't-must -have to -needn't )get up early.
311-All my sisters are married, but my brother is still ( free -alone  -single -one )
312-Life without ( tyranny-ambition –greed-prejudice)  is meaningless.
313-Thanks  to  the internet,it is  easy to(conduct-contact-connect-bind )my English friends  in no time.
314-A funnel is used for ( splitting-including-pouring-condensing) liquids such as water and oil.
315-The (history -moral –topic-formal )of our  story  is  that  we  shouldn't  be  deceived  by appearance.
316-Dr .Zewail ( asked -provided -told -proved )to the whole world that Egyptis  the land of geniuses.
317-If the tree falls down, it ( blocked -'d block  -will block-would have blocked )the road.
318-Ten  students(containing–including-enclosing)Ramy  do  their  best  to  keep  their  school clean
319-If I  ( had -have had -d had-have) time, I would listen to music.
320-He spends  most of his free time(chatting-telling-thanking )to  his  friends  on the phone.
321-If she had seen the criminal, she( reports -will report-would have reported -would report)the crime.
322-A( conductor-paramedic-passenge-rbooking clerk )is  someone  whose  job  is   to   collect  payments  from passengers on a bus or train.
323-If water is heated, it ( will boil -would boil –boils-boiled )
324-A ( clerk -paramedic -physician --cashier )is someone who is trained to help people who are ill or injured but is not a  doctor.
325-If people (had cared-care–cared)too much about unimportant things,their lives 'd be meaningless.
326-He was late for school because of a traffic (jam-light –signa-sign )
327- If you hadn't taken those photos, you ( wouldn't have remembered  -wouldn't remember - won't remember -remember )your holiday.
328-If you don't do it now, you'll only ( deny-blame -regret -thank )it.
329-.Egypt has many interesting . ( historical -history -historian  -historic )places.
330-The four robbers were looking  ( at-for -up -over ) the treasures.
331-Sinai is home to ( life preserver-lifeline-wildlife-life jacket )such as the fox and the wolf.
332-I'm interested ( in –about-on -over )learning more about Rider Haggard.
333-The( tomb –museum-mountain -monastery )of St Catherine is located in the centre of Sinai.
334-Students should be keen ( to -on -that -for ) learning foreign languages.
335-The pharaoh Akhnaton wanted EI-Minya to be the ( airport –port-capital-harbour )ofEgypt.
336-Sameh is good ( of –with-for -at ) playing chess.
337-St Catherine is the oldest ( Hindu -Christian -Jewish -Islamic ) monastery in the world.
338-Hassan applied ( to -for  -of  -in )join the army.
339-fayoum Oasis is a very fertile ( archaeological -agricultural -commercial -industrial ) area.
340-Hanan will apply (in -of-to-for )the university next Friday.
341-A lot of villagers (occupied-donated-vented-abandoned)their village due to deluges 10 years ago.
342-It( believed-'11  believe -believes-is believed )that the EL-Mursi Abu EL-Abbas mosque is the most beautiful mosque in Alex.
343-You will love the beautiful mountain ( landmarks-landfills -landscapes -landmines )
344-Science teachers ( make -do-devise -operate )their experiments in science labs.
345-The Israeli settlements in the Western Bank ( should remove -should be removed-will remove -removed)  sooner or later.
346-Time ( manageress -managed –management-manager )is of great importance for all people.
347-It( knows-is known-knew-well known )that Egyptis a great country.
348-The ( declaration –announcement-advertisement-cancellation )of the  American president's visit to Sultan Hassan's mosque received our doubts.
349-Dr Yousri helped ( at -with -in  -on )the reform of education
350-She(acquires-blames-informs-regrets )that she won't be able to attend my daughter's wedding party next Sunday.
351-My neighbor works (out-with-on -for )an oil company.
352-The accident is blamed ( on -about -for -with )the rash driver.
353-If we freeze water, it ( will convert-turns -'11  turn-'d turn) into ice.
354-The ( violent  -rash-stupid -wise ) father treats his daughters and sons on equal terms.
355-If she doesn't leave now, she ( will miss-'d miss -won't miss -misses )the eight o'clock train.
356-Dakhla is a different ( valley-island-oasis -mine ) because it's above sea level.
357-If she ( was -had had -is -were )five years older, she'd go camping.
358- Ahmed succeeded in (replacing-persuading-amending-reforming )his son to give up smoking.
359-If I  ( have -had -had had-have had )much money, I would have bought a new car.
360-Students shouldn't be worried(  about-for-at-from )the final exams.
361-The road to . ( success -ambition –regret-failure ) is not straight.
362-I'm sorry ( to -for -that  -of )losing your English book", Amal said to you.
363-Life is not a race. it's a  ( competition -voyage -Journey -tour )
364-The new furniture ( is polished-was polished -is being polished-have been polished )now.
365-Good friends  are hard to  find, harder to  leave and( likely-probable-impossible) to forget.
366-The answer ( on -to -for -about )the problem of over population is birth control.
367-If ice is heated, it ( 'll melt-would melt -melts -melt )
368-I  wouldn't go there alone if I  ( 'm -were-was -had been )you
369-It ( says  -said-say -is said )that the earth orbits the sun
370-Tel E1-Amarna is on the ( bank -shore -beach -tank ) of the Nile
371-If he had won a lottery, he (will furnish-would furnished -would have furnished -furnishes )
372-Fayoum oasis is famous for its (water –front-water -wheels -water –fails-water -cress )
373-He apologized to me (for–about-at-of )insulting the house keeper
374-Copper is a good ( contact -delivery-conductor -resistant )of electricity.
375-Tourists buy (currency-prizes-presents ) from Khan Elkalili to remind themselves of their visit.
376-Mona suggests ( going –goes-went-to going )to Hurghada next Sunday.
377-Thomas Cook arranged the first ( packed -packet -packing -package )tour in 1841.
378-I bought a new car. It was ready good ( investment –average-value -avenue )for money.
379-Tourism is the second most important earner of foreign ...... after oil.
( navigation-investment -currency  -trade )
380-She( must-doesn't have-needn't -need to be )see a doctor because of high temperature.
381-The tourist industry(occupies-applies -supplies-employs )thousands of people such as travel agents.
382-She(doesn't have to- must-used to )buy a new dress as her mother bought her a new one.
383-To encourage tourism, new hotels and roads have to be(erected–renewed-demolished -destroyed )
384-Al Ahly football team wear ( down -on  -away-out )all other Egyptian teams.
385-There are many tourist villages on the Mediterranean ( depression-coast -bank -valley )
386-It is necessary to (applies -applied -apply )for the vacant job before the end of the month.
387-Package tour is a holiday that is arranged by a company at a fixed (time -price -season -place )
388-New parks and resorts will  ( need-be needed -need to be -need )planned.
389-Package tours include travel, (destination -estimation-evaluation-accommodation )and sometimes meals for a fixed price.
390-You ( had to -must -do not need to-mustn't )buy that camera as I can lend you mine.
391-Our luggage was checked all the way through our final (arrangemen-goal-decision -destination )
392-Dr.Zewail (awarded-was awarded -awards-rewarded )the Nobel prize for chemistry.
393-Humans can be affected by science experiment which go ( wrong –ahead-blind-mad )
394-Ayman went back to Londonto ( train-trained -be trained-training )as an engineer.
395-(Biology-Anthropology –Sociology-Phonology ) is the scientific study of people, their customs, beliefs,
396-Information about swine flu  ( finds -can be found-found-can find ) on the internet
397-A(producer-director-professor-presenter )is someone who controls the making of the play, films,
398-On my way to Port Said. the car ran ( over -for-in-out )of petrol
399-I think that global (warming-warning-warmth)is the most serious prob1em due to increase in Co2.
400-In some cities, people (couldn't-can-can't-could) use their cars every day as it's against the law.
401-A ( cautious -cautionary -cautioned -careful )tale is a story that is intended to warn people.
402-I( could -couldn't -can't-can )see very well without glasses because my sight is sharp.
403-We should increase our use of ( vapour-heat –light-energy )from wind, waves and the sun.
405-In the past, people ( could-can -would -may )drive a car without passing a driving test.
406-Students are not allowed to leave school without (warming -permission –allowance-warning )
407-I ( could -can  -couldn't -can't)ride a bicycle until the age of nine. I'm twenty now.
408-The American astronauts(succeeded- were able-got through )in landing on the surface of the moon.
409-The only ( usher-volunteer-donor-survivor ) of the massacre was a young man called Tom.
410-You ( succeeded in -can -managed to -got through )borrow my mobile phone tomorrow.
411-It's essential for our(knowledge- reputation-culture) that we look after tourists well.
412-( May –Can-Could -Would )I use your camera, please?
413-Take it easy". means to( annoy -stress –relax-upset )and let normal daily routine worry you.
415-He (can't –can-might -could )speak English fluently as he spent 10 years in England.
416-Under the new(modifications-amends–bases-regulations )spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled.
417- You ( mustn't -don't have to -needn't-must ) come and see us at the weekend.
418-It is known that the Statue of Zeus was made by a (Turkish-Japanese-Greek-Chinese )artist
419- He ( can't-must -has to-had to )take a taxi yesterday because the bus broke down.
420-The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed by an/a (storm-deluge-volcano-earthquake )in 226 BC.
421-The first bus is at 5.15 am, so I  ( '11  have to-have to-needn't -had to )get up very early.
422-The green house (defeat-default–effect-defect )means the gradual rise in temperature of the earth's Atm
423-The pyramids (saw -are to see -see -could be seen )from space.
424-Carbon dioxide in the air(lengthens-weakens-increases-decreases )the temperature of the earth's atmosphere.
425-Sports like squash are ( individual-citizen-team-personal )sports.
426-Basketball is a ( citizen -team -personal -individual )sport.
427-This year, I( will–shall-won't-'m going ) to go swimming every day.
428-That's a good idea. You ( would get-got-'ll get -were getting )very fit.
429-We should do our best to ( show –prove-choose-keep )fit.
430-The Chinese invented ice cream using only two ( elements-topics-compounds -ingredients )
431- Let us go fishing, ( will -are –do-shall )you?
432-People should eat ( inorganic-rotten  -fresh-modified ) vegetables and fruit.
433-When I saw Ahmed, he ( laugh -is laughing -was laughing-laughs )
434-My flat is on the fourth floor of a five  (tale-storey-store )block next to the post office.
435-Ramy( who -that -whom -whose )car is white, is wise and cheerful.
436-It is  not allowed to ( park-bark -break  -brake )your car in a no parking area.
437- How long( had you wait -have you been waiting-have you waited -had you been waiting )
before your bus arrived at the bus stop?
438- In Egypt,( which -where -when -whose) there is little rain, most houses have flat roofs.
439-You like orange, ( do -would -don't -won't )you?
440-Africa is the second largest of the world's  ( valleys -lakes  -oceans -continents )
441- People who ( borrow -lend -bring  -steal )money should go to prison.
442-Most people are (honest-kind-intelligent ) If they find something, they give it back to the owner.
443-John doesn't get paid for playing football. He's ( a professional -a player -an amateur -a career )
444-I'm really enjoying this dessert. Can you tell me  what the (goods-ingredients -crops -foods )are?
445-If you need more ( sugar-fat-protein -carbohydrate )eat more meat, fish and eggs.
446-In the story of Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is absolutely(determined-sure-serious-primitive )to catch the white whale.
447-When the boat sank, the ( staff -group –crew-employees )were saved by a passing ship.
448-My sister and her husband live on  the ( top -outskirts –side-outside )of the town.
449-The people ( which-who-what-where ) have just moved into the next flat are from Tanta.
450-Where( were-did-had-was )you going when I saw you in town yesterday?
451-The Nile is ( longest-long-the longest -longer ) liver in the world.
452Those are the people . ( who-whose –which-who's )car has been stolen.
453-Ali has had to go to hospital because he hurt ( herself –him-his  -himself ) while playing football.
454-We arrived late and by the time we sat down, the film( has started-had started -is starting)
455-In my opinion, it's warmer now ( as-so -than  -that )it  was this  morning.
456-My clothes were dirty as I (had been repairing-had repaired–repaired) the car all morning.
457-Most houses in countries where it rains a lot have  (straight -sloping-flat -long )roofs.
458-If you want to keep fit, go running. It's a very good fan of (exercise-practice-food-work )
459My friend's father is the ( politician –diplomat-man-editor ) of our local newspaper.
460-This CD was a  ( cheap -bargain –credit-value for money )It cost less than two pounds.
461-Our cat has ( missed -come -gone missing -abandoned )We haven't seen him for a week.
462-We(suggest–announce-refuse-regret ) to inform passengers travelling to Cairothat their train will be 20 minutes late.
463-There is no airport on the island, so boats ( sail –supply-give-carry )food and other goods.
464-My ( ambition-hero-idea-announcement) is to be a journalist for an international news magazine.
465-As soon as I met him, I knew I( had seen-saw -have seen -see)  him somewhere before.
466-I didn't realize it was late (if-and-because-but) I was concentrating so hard on what I  was doing.           
467-I(have cleaned-clean - have been cleaning )my brother's car all morning and he says it's still dirty.
468-Many cars ( made-are made-is made-make) in Egypt.
469-If it was cold in the evening, you (needed-would need -would have needed )warm clothes.
470-I'm not very good ( In-at-with -on)  remembering people's names.
471-The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed   ( from-to-by -in)an earthquake.
472-It.  ( know -known -is known-has known) that people have lived here for centuries.
473-A shop in our city was completely ( hunt-injured-destroyed-flooded) by fire last night.
474-I can really ( recommend -build –admire-wish) this book. I couldn't put it down.
475-I hope I  ( pass -succeed –Will-do well)  the maths test at school tomorrow.
476-My father's· company (plays–works-keeps-employs. )people from many different countries.
477-If you pour hot water onto ice, the ice( runs-melts  -floods -freezes )
478-You can't enjoy your holiday if you don't have good   ( hotel-room -accommodation -stay )
479-My favourite holiday destination is a small fishing village on the ( see-edge –ocean-coast )
480-When I was a child,I remember reading Alan( dangerous-warning-advising-cautionary)tale
481-Banks are places ( which –where-that -when )you can keep your money safe.
482-Before the invention of cars, people ( used-use -are used -have used )to walk more.
483-She looked at ( she-her –herself-himself )in the mirror to see what the new dress was like.
484-So far today,I( wrote-am writing-have been writing-have written ) e-mails to six of my friends .
485-I've decided that I( am going to apply-applying -am apply) for that job as soon as I can.
486-I have an idea: we ( have to –need-could -would )all go in one car. That would save us money.
487-There are always children near the school, so you (can-must-mustn't-need) drive very carefully.
478-Survivors of this morning's accident(have been taken-have taken –took)to the hospital.

