avoid like the plague meaning and in a sentence English and Arabic

القائمة الرئيسية


آخر الأخبار

avoid like the plague meaning and in a sentence English and Arabic

avoid like the plague meaning and in a sentence English and Arabic

avoid like the plague meaning in English

avoid someone or something like the plague : to avoid someone or something totally : to stay away as much as possible from (someone or something).

 avoid like the plague in a sentence

- I'm not a fan of parties, in fact I avoid them like the plague.

avoid like the plague meaning in Arabic

  1. تجنب شخص ما أو شيء ما تماما.

* avoid the evil like the plague : 

ابعد عن الشر وغنيله

ترجمة و معنى avoid like the plague في القاموس عربي انجليزي

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